Sunday, May 27, 2007

Weekend, so far

On Friday I picked up James a little early because Jim told me his whole office was being let go early for the Memorial weekend. I thought it would be nice if we all could be home early and go for a walk. We also ended up ordering Chinese/Thai food :)

So that night we met our new(er) neighbors, Jeff and Wendy and their 11 month old boy and girl twins, Sawyer and Bailey. They live on the other street, Petersburg. The twins were in a kiddie pool (with no water), playing on the lawn with their Mom. They were all really nice. Wendy brought over Bailey to James' stroller, and the two babies had fun staring at each other. It was really cute :) They are both not too much bigger than James, but of course a lot more mobile. They were pulling themselves up and crawling like crazy. I can't imagine twins at that age!

Wendy told us that that a couple of houses near us have newborns/babies. The couple that just moved in this week have a baby the same age as James. James will have so many friends!

So then we walked further to the park, where we met a man named Steve and his two little girls. They also live in our neighborhood, but in another area of houses.

When we finished our walk and came into our driveway, we noticed that the neighbors across the street had their little boy Spencer outside on the grass. I carried James over to their house to introduce the babies to each other. We've talked to this family before, but Spencer was always napping or not outside. Spencer is almost a year and not much taller than James, but definitely chunkier! He is quite massive. His Mom joked that he will be a football player. She also said he's pretty "pokey" and not really advancing with his crawling, walking, or teeth. He only has two, just like James! I'm probably just a proud Momma but James was much more alert and active than Spencer :)

So we've been busy checking out the other families and babies in the neighborhood. I'm glad to meet the others, I hope our neighborhood will be active this summer when I'm home.

Today is Sunday and yesterday I had my "Mom's day off". I had a late start so I didn't really do much before I came home for dinner. I made it to the mall, to my sister Ana's to feed Maya (they're out of town), and then to Target. Target was fun because I browsed for almost two hours. I came home with lots of stuff I don't need!

Today Jim went to the grocery store, all of us went to Sam's Club, and then we had lunch followed by a long walk. We knew James would fall asleep so we hoped it would be a long, quality nap for him. Before he fell asleep we made it to the park and he had a great time on the swings! We snapped a few pictures of him on the baby swing. The neighbor said she puts her twins on the swing, one facing each way. James was pretty small on it, but he was safe. Of course we wouldn't let anything happen to him :)

So we've pretty much stuck to home and its been a good day. Jim worked in the yard and on the grass, and I made cookies while watching James. We also sorted through all of his baby clothes and put away his small stuff. A lot of my favorite clothes on James are too small! We came across all of his knitted hats from Tia Ana, hopefully they'll fit again next winter. I've put them in his chest.

Tomorrow's plans: not much! Just hanging around some more :)

See the new pictures in album "May" and the video from the park- too cute!

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