Friday, July 12, 2013

Doctors are Nice

James really hasn't had any issues this summer. He's had very few accidents, but as I told the doctor it's probably because I AM ON HIM. I see the very beginnings of a potty dance and it is, "James. Bathroom. Now." And he goes.

We went back to our regular doctor to report our progress. She did still refer us to the gastroenterologist in Minneapolis. So we went!

Here is James hiding from the new doctor. Playfully.


The gastroenterologist didn't say much. He listened to our progress report (very few accidents, a few cleanses, nighttime wetting, BM habits, etc.) And then James needed to poop, right in the middle of that appointment. We excused ourselves and James did his business.

Seriously, that boy loves his public poop.

The gastroenterologist is now referring us to a urologist. We have an appointment in September, the earliest possible appointment. He did also refer us back to our regular clinic for a follow up x-ray, to compare to our last one. He said the urologist won't see us until we can rule out any obstructions or constipation.


James handled all of his appointments very well. We are making a lot of progress at home, and just waiting patiently until September. We've almost cancelled his specialist appointments a few times because he seems fine, but they keep wanting to see us. We just might as well continue.


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