Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Arriving in California

We left early on Thursday morning. James was so good on the plane. We had packed DVD's, books, a new Crayola color wonders travel kit (markers only work on special paper), and then hoped that several snacks would occupy him on the almost four hour flight. It all worked! He loved the slight turbulence on the plane and especially the landing. He said, when we had finished landing, "Do it again!"

We landed in Los Angeles and rented a car to drive the 2+ hours to Santa Barbara. Here is James pointing out our first sighting of the ocean.

We arrived at our hotel at around 5pm (West Coast time) and walked around the pond and pool area. These friendly white ducks greeted us.

We had a quick dinner out and then just rested in the hotel room. James was wide awake, way past his bedtime. We put him down at around 7:30ish (Calif time), thinking he should be tired. Nope! He chatted with us in the dark. Our room was one single room, so the crib was in the main space. When James went to bed, we were also forced to unwind. We tried to sit in the dark, and then tried to put the TV on low, but James was still jumping up and down in the crib. We gave up at around 9ish and no more peeps from James until 4am. He woke us up with "I got a poop!" Luckily he didn't really have a poop and we were able to sleep for about 2 more hours. It was a pretty funny night.

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