Sunday, March 18, 2007

Family news

ork out the details.

James and I went to my friend Tatiana's house for brunch on Saturday morning. He was so well behaved. I was really afraid that he would cry again and not let anyone hold him. For the first 10 minutes or so I let him look around at the house and the new people. After that, he was playful and friendly. Yay! (There's a picture of the "girls" in the Baby Album, "March" but not with James. He was taking a nap.)

A little James news- he's losing his hair!! Over the last few weeks he's been shedding a lot of hair! I don't think he'll be a bald baby, but his hair is not as thick and long as it was before. Right now he has the beginnings of a mohawk :)

We are on our third day of oatmeal. There are some pictures of James' oatmeal face in the Baby Album "March". He tolerates the food, makes a few faces, but he does eat it. After today we're moving to either apples or sweet potatoes. I'm thinking sweet potatoes because it won't be as sweet as apples. We've only been giving him food at his late afternoon feeding, and only a tablespoon at a time. Its a good start!

The picture above is James and his beloved blanket (from Tia Ana). He loves it! Lately he's been trying to eat it, but I'm quick to give him his teething beads or another object to chew :) Oh! There's also a new video called Peek-a-boo. This is the new game I play with James and his blanket. He giggles! He became self-conscious when I started to videotape the game, because usually he laughs a lot more. Its still very cute!

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