Friday, August 21, 2009

New Daycare Days #1 & 2

Day #1 was a big success. We both dropped off James yesterday morning for his first day. We had some paperwork to take care of too, but we both wanted to see how James would do on his first day and whether he would have a hard time. Nope! He did cling to me in the first few minutes but once he found some interesting toys, we said goodbye to him as he was playing independently and that was that. I called later in the morning to check on him and they said they still hadn't gotten him to play with others, but he was doing well.

This also was his first day in Pull-up diapers. They were going to start him on the potty immediately. I know this will work eventually because he'll see the other kids using the potty and he'll want to too.

At the end of the day I went to pick him up but I watched him through the monitor first. It was story time and James (and all the kids) were sitting in one area, on the floor, listening to the teacher. Some of the kids were making the hand motions, following the teacher, but James was sitting still and listening. I watched while a little girl tried to interact with James, first by putting her hand on top of his head. He tried hard to shake it off and then laughed. But then they played tug-o-war with some object and it looked not so friendly. The daycare director was just telling me that he hadn't interacted much of the kids all day, and so I pointed out the struggle with a laugh.

James gave me the most wonderful greeting as I walked in the door. "Mama!!!" with a smile and running towards me. He told me too, "I fun with friends!" So I knew he had a good day. I checked his folder and found these papers to take home.

At home, he was still happy about his day. He told us many times that he had fun and about his new friends. He mentioned his teacher Jamie a few times.

This morning he did NOT want to go to "school". I think the real issue was that I didn't let him watch TV and we left right away, soon after waking up. He cried a little in the car, and was again clingy when we arrived at the daycare. I stayed for a few minutes in the preschool room and helped him to get crayons and paper to color. While he got busy with that, I left the room to put his stuff in his cute little locker. I watched him from the window and the daycare teachers encouraged me to just leave without saying goodbye. I feel bad about that but I know he is doing fine.

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