Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ChaCha and Donkey

I forgot! I forgot to publicly thank Tia ChaCha and Tio Donkey for a great babysitting job on Friday night. Jim and I went out to dinner and shopped in Maple Grove, knowing James was in good, fun hands.

I don't normally publish other people's photos but this is a cute one!

James can learn a thing or two from ChaCha and Donkey. The next day James kept telling me something about waffles and I didn't know what he meant until ChaCha sent me a few pictures of their night. They made play-doh waffles! Oh! I get it now. They also began a new tradition of getting "cozy" on the couch. This was put to use on Saturday afternoon, after the zoo, when Jim wanted to watch the golf tournament on TV. We used the "cozy" technique to get James settled down. Pure genius.

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