Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend update

Finally some nice weather and a healthy household! Unfortunately I was away from my family all day on Saturday due to a work obligation, but Jim reported a very good day with James. After a hearty breakfast of oatmeal (entirely self-fed by James!), the boys went for a long, long walk around the lake. They stopped by Grandma Laura's house but she wasn't home. It was a beautiful day, hope she was out enjoying it!

We also had a scary storm on Saturday. The wind was so fierce that it blew our deck furniture away! The chairs pushed up against the railing, and the table flipped over! We were lucky that the glass did not break, but the umbrella blew away and broke. Jim braved the wind (once it was safer) and secured the glass and furniture. We were ready to grab James and run for the basement, but it never came to that.

Saturday night, despite all of James' activity, he had a restless night of sleep. It was a different kind of crying so Jim did check in on him at about 9pm and James had cried so hard that he threw up! Poor baby! We held him for a little while until he was calm and put him to bed. He slept well except for a few times in the middle of the night when he would wake up and cry. Each time he would fall asleep within a few minutes. So the whole family slept in until after 7am. We decided to skip the zoo and tend to our household. Jim built a baby gate for the deck- we can now enjoy the fresh air outside with James and not worry about him tumbling down the stairs. Yay for Dada!

I went through James' old clothes and decided to downsize the amount we have in storage. Tia Ana and Tio Rich have invited us to contribute to their garage sale at the end of May and so I'll be selling baby clothes and some other odds and ends. I felt very happy going through the clothing and remembering each outfit. James was the cutest baby! I remember at this time last year, Grandma Julie sent James a generous amount of summer clothing- all one piece shorts outfits. I loved them! Those were exciting times- James was just learning to crawl and sit up on his own.

This week: not too much! Weekend plans: None really :) Another attempt at the zoo?

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