Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Date

I have declared a new Christmas tradition- a Christmas date with my two boys, and all dressed up! This year I became a subscriber or donor to the Children's Theatre. I have a three pack of tickets to three shows!! The Grinch That Stole Christmas was PERFECT for our Christmas date.

A few weeks ago James told me that he would like to dress "like a man", like his Dad when he wears a tie. Ignoring the connotations of what it is to "be a man" I decided to go with it. I bought James his first dress shirt and tie, presenting it to him just before our big date.

He was fine with wearing it! And it darn near brought tears to my eyes to see him so handsome.



And then because I am an Instagram addict...


We had great seats! The Theatre is a wonderful place. We were about 4 rows from the stage, just slightly off center. Perfect! We had a great view of the stage and actors.

The play was wonderful! Lots of great singing and acting. It was very colorful, active production. James was a bit concerned that he would be scared (of the Grinch), but halfway through the play he turned to us and said, "This isn't so bad!"



It was a late dinner for us and we headed to Rye Deli in Uptown, at the recommendation of a few friends on Facebook. It was deeeelicious! (GOMV)


My boys are so handsome. James looks so proud :)


Mom doesn't look so bad either! A dress!!


It was a late night for James, but we got to business as soon as we got home. James put out some cookies and milk for Santa. None of those "fancy Mom" cookies, but plain old chocolate chip cookies!


Let's hope Santa comes!


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