Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ear Infections, Round 2

Did I ever explain that James is sick again? Thursday afternoon I went to pick up James, just like normal. When I got there they said, "Oh, we were just about to call you. James has a fever of 101.6" Oh no! So he couldn't go the next day because they have that rule of not having a fever within 24 hours of daycare.

In the car I called the doctor's office right away to make James an appointment for Friday morning. They had asked us to come back after 6 weeks to make sure his ears were clear, so I figured we'd just go early and then also rule out ear infections or whatever.

Well, he did have an ear infection. More antibiotics. A crabby child again. Poor baby.

I tried our trick of calling it the "doctor's office" and then offering to get ice cream again for following directions. He chose to have "warm chocolate milk" instead. Great! No problem.

Well, that changed to McDonald's for lunch. Fine too.

I think he's making this face because it's painful for him to eat. Canker sore. Poor baby!

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