Monday, October 5, 2009

Anniversary weekend

James gave us the best anniversary present ever-

He was so well behaved at the restaurant. I don't shy away from eating out but I know that when we do its typically a lot of work. He needs to be entertained and kept busy with lots of food and distractions. On this night he entertained himself with a glass of ice water, a lemon, and crayons. Thanks James! Your Mama and Dada had a good dinner and were actually able to talk a bit!

Jim gave me my birthday present a little early :)

Can you believe I've always done my baking with a little hand mixer and lately just by hand? The hand mixer had to be thrown away so I've been mixing, LHOTP style. No more! I have a fancy standing mixer and it just begged to be used this weekend. I made that Chocolate Intensity Cake. Jim requested it :)

On Saturday we went to Chuck E Cheese for some games. I didn't take many pictures. James enjoyed climbing up on to the rides and pretending to play.

Back at home James created his own drum set. I think he's been watching the Fresh Beat Band a bit too much. There is a redheaded girl who drums and he likes to mimic her.

White Chicken Chili. Grandma Rosie and Grandpa Larry came over for a quick visit on Sunday. They joined us for an early dinner.

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