Monday, March 3, 2008

Books and more books

If you look at the picture closely, you will see every book that James owns on the floor. I sat with him before bedtime to read books. He tolerated a couple of the books well but then he would grab the book from my hand and slide it to the floor. I guess he doesn't like some of them! We went through his whole bin of books and he probably listened to about 10 of them. His favorites right now are the Leslie Patricelli books, Hola Jalapeno, the Baby Signs books we have, Mama Mama Papa Papa, and I Love my Daddy Because...

Sunday was a good family day too. If you read Saturday's journal entry, we went to the Science Museum. On Sunday we went shopping for deck furniture. We also went to Bacon & Eggs again to show Dada James' climbing and playing skills. James had a GREAT time! There were tons of kids running around wild, and we were a little afraid that James would get knocked down but he was fine. He did get knocked down once by a little girl that pursued him. James is quite the ladies' man. The little girl followed him around to hug him. She got a few hugs in before James tried to walk/run away. She accidently knocked him down and then she dropped to her knees to hug him. And then she kissed him!!

Speaking of kisses, James does a cute thing now when he wants a kiss. He will lean forward and give you his forehead. Jim and I both know that this means he wants a kiss. We are happy to comply :)

Also, at Bacon & Eggs an older boy tried to get James to "play" with him. He followed James and tried to tickle him (after he saw me tickle James once). The little boy kept reaching and tousling James' hair, saying "Tickle Tickle". James ignored him. James was more interested in watching the big kids and climbing.

After our shopping and play, we stopped by Uncle Joe's house for a quick visit. He was glad to see James and James loved exploring a new place.

We don't have any plans for the week. This weekend we want to go shopping for a bike trailer! Nice weather will hopefully happen soon and we can get outside with James! Oh, and just two weeks to get through and then this Mama has Spring Break!

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