Saturday, May 26, 2012


Over the weekend James had a fever. He was crying uncontrollably so Jim took him to Urgent Care. (I was at a Pampered Chef party at a friend's house.) I met them at UC and the doctor was unsure of why he had a fever. Maybe a virus. So we went home. On Monday we got the call that his strep test was positive and he was contagious. I quickly called the daycare to tell them and arranged to pick him up early.

James was not so sick that he couldn't negotiate McD's for lunch! He does not look a bit sick!


At home, building Legos.

And responding to mail. Tia ChaCha sent a nice letter so James picked a flower, pressed it inside a heart note, and was very proud of himself!


My Sweetie!


He went back to school the next day. He took several doses of antibiotics and was declared not contagious. He's a trooper- loves the taste of his pink medicine!!


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