Our doctor's visit was a bit stressful for James. The doctor was running late so it was a long wait, and James had missed his snack at daycare because he woke up so late from his nap. I was an unprepared Mama and didn't have any food with me. I guess I will learn from that. So he started crying "Eat" until the doctor came in and cheered him up. James liked the doctor's instruments, especially the ear checker with the lighted tip. I was impressed with how she interacted with James!
Dr K was impressed with James' words. The cutest moment was at the end of the appointment when James was his crabbiest self and I told James, "Say 'I sorry' to the Doctor because you are crabby." James was still undressed, only in his diaper, and looked up at her with his big brown eyes and said, "I sowwwwy." The Doctor melted and said "You were great, James. A good boy."
We didn't have any real questions for the Doctor, but we asked for her advice concerning the nightly blankie droppings. She suggested letting him cry it out. We probably will try this this weekend. I will suggest that Jim wear his ear plugs because he is the one most sensitive to James' crying :( Not that I'm heartless but I know its for the best.
We've also been given permission to start chewable vitamins and switch to 2% milk.
James did receive two shots in his chubby thighs. He cries for only a few moments and then is fine. As we were leaving, they said usually with a new flu shot patient they make them wait half an hour, but they realized we were rushed to get him fed so they told us to watch out for hives and breathing problems. Yikes! Luckily James is healthy as can be and had no issues with the shots.
At home, he ate quickly and then got right to coloring.
Mama and James made a Blue's Clues "book".
James can pick out the Black and Yellow crayons. Sometimes Blue and Green too.
We are thankful for a healthy, happy boy!
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