Friday, December 9, 2011


James had a big surprise for me when I picked him up from school. Actually, he greeted me normally but when I was gathering his stuff from his locker I found a tiny little ziploc with what looked like nothing in it. And then I saw it- an itty bitty tooth! What?!

The teacher told me that the tooth fell out at breakfast. She wasn't making a big deal of it. I was shocked and started telling her that it's his first and it wasn't even loose, I didn't think. THEN she was a bit more serious about it and started to explain that it's probably okay. One boy from James' class has already lost FOUR teeth!

So here he is.

And then we got home and showed Dad.

He was just as surprised. We didn't expect this for months, maybe longer! Well, luckily we've already started talking about the tooth fairy and Tia ChaCha gave James a great book called Bear's Loose Tooth so we were able to reference that too.

Hello Tooth Fairy! I hope she's generous tonight :)

I had an emotional moment and needed Jim to hug me. My little boy isn't so little. This is happening fast!

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