Saturday, February 21, 2009


James and I have been sick. On Thursday morning we found James in a crib full of vomit. My heart just broke thinking of the poor little guy sick through the night and then laying in his own vomit. I had to give him a bath immediately because it was all over his face, his hair, his hands... and I stayed home with him. Jim had an important work day, and I canceled my own work plans though I had to put James in the car that morning to deliver some materials to my coworker. Poor James vomited in the car :( He's such a good little boy... very mellow and calm all through his sickness.

When I talked to Sandra and called James in "sick" she told me that another of the kids was sick the last weekend and she had just found out from the parents, and also later that day I called to update her on James' progress, and she told me another kid threw up in the minivan. So it was a daycare sickness thing!

Jim came home at lunchtime that day, and I headed to work to meet my 120 students for our annual yearbook picture. I came home to the news that James was a good little boy all day- no problems, but the bad news was that he had thrown up all over his Dada that afternoon. Yuck.

So on Friday I stayed home with this sweet little boy. He was so good. So completely normal except he wouldn't eat or drink. (Slowly he's started to eat and drink now.) I ended up feeling sick during his naptime and ended up vomiting in the late afternoon. I was home with James, alone, so I would run to the small bathroom downstairs, do my thing, and then sink to the floor. As I laid there, James "helped" me. He came over to me and would say, "Help Mama" and extended his hand. He would help to pull me to an upright position. It was very cute, but I really just wanted to lay down on the floor and die! He also brought me several Ritz crackers, that he laid right by my head. Sweet boy.

I was truly miserable. I am so incredulous that James was such a sweetie during his whole sickness, because I was uncomfortable, in pain, and just miserable!

And tonight- a bedtime miracle! James cried at brushing his teeth, and his bath, but at bedtime I could hear him very sweetly telling his Dada "night night" and NO CRYING! None! Jim came down, also surprised by this change, and told me he is back to kissing his stuffed animals goodnight, laying down quietly, and saying goodnight. Wow! I hope this continues...

So I probably have tons of pictures and videos to post, but I switched to a new computer again and just don't have the energy to search for them. I will probably post again tomorrow?


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