Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mama is home!

So I did celebrate my birthday with a nice dinner and then birthday cake. I was in Atlanta and out to dinner with Mary, the assistant principal at my school.

So I came home late on Friday night. I was excited to see James the next morning. Here is a video when I got James up for the day...

He remembered me! He didn't ignore me like the last time I was out of town- that time for a week.

James had a great day of playing today:

Later at night, James played pool with his Dada.

I forgot to write this last week but James was calling Grandma Rosie, not Grandma but "Buck-a". We don't know if Grandma is hard for him to pronounce? Here's a very short video of James referring to his Grandma...

James has lots of new words and I still have much more to update. I have run out of steam yet again and will need to post more later. Enjoy the pictures and videos.

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