James showed interest in taking a bath in "my" bathtub. He was excited to see the water jets and then thrilled with the mountains of bubbles. It was quite the mess.
James showed interest in taking a bath in "my" bathtub. He was excited to see the water jets and then thrilled with the mountains of bubbles. It was quite the mess.
Another successful trimester for James! He is definitely performing well, meeting his Kindergarten goals in all areas! Senora Kennedy said that he is consistent in all areas. Yay! The only area that he could slightly improve upon is speaking up in class and offering answers on his own. I think this is a confidence/shyness issue.
As parents, we brought no issues to Senora Kennedy. We could not be more pleased with Kindergarten. James is speaking more and more Spanish at home.
This is his self-portrait. The kids' artwork was posted outside of the classroom for all to see.
"We are Friends"
This is George's self-portrait. He is upside down. He's such a silly kid!
I picked up James one day and he was looking pretty odd.
Those are NOT his pants. He had a rare accident. He explained that he "forgot" and was "busy" playing.
He was also wearing a crown, which completed the ensemble, obviously.
What a silly boy!
I haven't been as good at taking pictures of James' artwork. Actually, not as much art is coming home. Maybe they are focusing more on academics?
This one was pretty funny. He obviously got some help spelling out AWKWARD! He loves to say "Awkward!" at funny moments.
I (HEART) Mom, I (HEART) Dad
How nice!
It was kinda cold in January.
We didn't feel it was safe for James to stand at the bus stop for even 5 minutes, so we sat in a running car and waited for the bus. James liked sitting in the front seat, sans carseat. He felt like a Big Kid.
James attended his first solo birthday party at a friend's home in January. He was super excited to give George his present!
Soon after Christmas we lost Blankie again. I don't remember where he was this time, but he was found again.
"Welcome to my Magic Show. Did you bring your wife?"
And then he spied me at the bottom of the stairs, waiting.
The audience sat on the bed. The magician did his thing!
We were amazed!
Our neighbor friends haven't been outside much lately. Just too darn cold. There was one warm day when James wanted to play outside and we were lucky to time it just right when the neighbor boys were outside too. James had a great time sledding with Ali and his brothers!
James is a little taken with Angry Birds lately. I tried my best to make a Pig for his lunch one weekend. He enjoyed it... briefly.
January was bitterly cold. We spent a lot of time indoors on weekends. Jim was awesome about playing board games with James. He discovered this Star Wars monopoly game and was obsessed for a short time :)
I also taught James how to play Mancala. I love that game!