This is a bit mean of me, but on Friday night James was pretty miserable. We had a few false alarms as he would say, "Poop... stuck!" He would grunt and we would check his diaper but nothing. Finally, there was poop.
Yay! On Saturday morning we headed to the Mall of America. We knew James would recognize the characters in the Park. We didn't know if he would ride the rides.
Swiper! (from Dora)
James wanted to try this ride. He grinned, laughed, and Jim said they pointed out Swiper each time they passed the character. It was the only ride James would go on though. Oh well, next time!
We had a great view of the Park at lunch!
The Lego Store.
Okay, and so we have no idea what started this Robot talk. He got a little shy for the camera, but moments before he kept repeating that phrase over and over. Funny kid.